My mobility was extremely limited after the surgery- I couldn’t really get out of bed for a few days. It was rough to say the least. Once I could get out of bed, I could only get around with crutches. Navigating our tiny apartment was tough on two good legs, but now I had to make it through our tiny living room on crutches. I imagine it was just as tough as successfully making it through “Assault” on American Gladiators. (I’ve posted a link for those of you who are in the dark on the AG reference… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v9cUQF-i5k )
I started going without the crutches, but still had some difficulty getting around. Then it hit me- a cane. Not only would it help me get around with relative ease, I would look awesome doing it! I’m happy to report that with my new acquisition, I have joined the elite group of Pimps Who Use Canes. You might recognize some of our members…

Snoop Dogg

Gordon B. Hinckley


The Emperor

I'm in good company.
Kyle, GREAT post! And thanks for not letting on about HOW DIFFICULT your initial post-op recovery was. I know you probably thought I would worry, which leads me to wonder: WHAT ELSE ARE YOU HIDING??
By the way, eff why eye, "emporer" is spelled E-M-P-E-R-O-R.
Thanks for the heads up, Hip Hop.
need picture of kyle with cane! please.
I had no idea you had to have surgery! I'm surprised you didn't hit me up for treats or dinner or something...
I LOVE that you used and/or using a cane! Classy.
Haha you kill me! your blog is hilarious. How did I not know you had one. I will be a constant reader. Man, I wish you guys were here.
My favorite part about your post-op recovery was the first time you unwrapped that bandage on your knee and our entire place smelled like death for hours!
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